The over riding concern of Mass Immigration and its damaging effect on local amenities, with the risk of importing criminal and anti social groups, must be challenged by local Councils.
Britannica will put British Culture Values and People first in all Community politics.
Train services into Glasgow city on Sunday need to be more frequent, at 15 min intervals.
This reduction in Housing Benefit, will marginalise the elderly and vulnerable in our communities who need a stable home environment for their care and special needs.
The continuity of family life is also under threat as many separated parents, need accommodation for their child custody arrangements.
The disparity between the demand for housing and available accommodation, can only be met by an increased supply of housing, not the redistribution of the population within the available housing stock.
Administration costs monitoring and funding exemptions of this scheme, will still be retained within the Welfare budget. Instead, these resources, should be used to fund the provision of new low cost rented housing.
Government must invest in these housing projects, which could be delivered, within the term of this administration. Council housing stock should not be sold to tenants and immigrants who have contributed nothing to the costs of building council assets, should be excluded and directed to the private rented sector for their needs. Ex Services personnell should be prioritised.
Private builders should have low cost, rented quotas, included in the planning agreements set by councils and planning authorities, as an obligation to our communities.
By investing, to meet the demand for housing needs therefore, Government will eliminate the need to spend £millions , to relocate a population, which is already stable and integrated within our local communities.
Investment For the sustained recovery of Great Britain, our local economies need investment from our main banks. The low interest central funds made available from The Bank of England, have currently allowed banks to rebuild their balance sheets.
Therefore the next stage of recovery, should be for the banks to restore confidence in the economy, by local investment. This will create jobs and stimulate demand for goods and services hence lifting the economy out of stagnation.There will consequently be a recovery from the National debt, currently costing the UK £120 mil. each day.
Energy Energy prices must be lowered by removing the Green Subsidy from consumer bills. Price stability and continuity of supply, can be ensured by the optimum mix of energy resources. Oil and gas, shale, coal, nuclear, geo thermal and tidal.
Windfarms, being environmentally sensitive, should be restricted to unobtrusive locations and island communities, which may be inaccessible to grid power transmission.
Public Services The Civil Service and the Public Sector, are invaluable assets, essential to the maintenance of our civilised society and must be adequately resourced. The allegiance that they show to us, must be recognised in fair wage structures and security of employment for those who deliver Policing, Health Care, Fire and Rescue, Pensions, and Local Government services.
Health Care services exist to deliver care and recovery to patients. Target driven systems, impede this objective and should be minimised.
The Civil service and the Public sector, requires excellent management and leadership.
Agriculture The stability of our rural economy is vital to our food supply and the preservation of our countryside and heritage. There must be a halt to the building on Green Belt, as the concreting of land reduces the run off needed to prevent widespread flooding and destruction of farming. Financial compensation has to be adequate to restore farming businesses damaged by flooding and project investment in river management, is essential to maintain their recovery.
Fishing The EU directive that fishing grounds are deeemed to be a common resource, needs to be revisited, to ensure that our British fishing fleet has a sustainable future.
The Union Scotland needs to remain within the United Kingdom to maintain the large domestic market that the Home Nations provide for the goods and services of each other. The UK economy is backed by the strength of the Bank of England and the international reserve currency of the pound sterling. Separation of Scotland from the United Kingdom, would incur £600 mil. costs for a separate taxation system and a crippling National Debt liability to the UK.
Within the United Kingdom, however, Scotland receives a high level of investment in its economy receiving £64.5 bil. from a 9.3 % UK spend for its 8.4 % of UK population.
Britannica Leader Charles Baillie.
Party Manifesto: "Forward With Britannica" : on our older posts.