Friday, 15 March 2013

The Bedroom Tax

This reduction in Housing Benefit, will marginalise the elderly and vulnerable in our communities who need a stable home environment for their care and special needs.

The continuity of family life is also under threat as many separated parents, need accommodation for their child custody arrangements.

The disparity between the demand for housing and available accommodation, can only be met by an increased supply of housing, not the redistribution  of the population within the available housing stock.

Administration costs monitoring and funding exemptions of this scheme, will still be retained within the Welfare budget.
Instead, these resources, should be used to fund the provision of new low cost rented housing.

Government must invest in these housing projects, which could be delivered, within the term of this administration.
Council housing stock should not be sold to tenants and immigrants who have contributed nothing to the costs of building council assets, should be excluded and directed to the private rented sector for their needs.
Ex Services personnell should be prioritised.

Private builders should have low cost, rented quotas, included in the planning agreements set by councils and planning authorities, as an obligation to our communities.

By investing, to meet the demand for housing needs therefore, Government will eliminate the need to spend £millions , to relocate a population, which is already stable and integrated within our local communities.

Britannica Leader,
Charles Baillie

Please refer to Older Posts for our Manifesto.

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